Associate or set up your Google account with the emulator. Aplikasi Al Quran dan terjemahan di Android yang pertama adalah Al Quran & Terjemahan Indonesia.Aplikasi khusus untuk umat muslim ini dirancang oleh Solikhin Yahya dengan ukuran aplikasi sekitar 9,3MB aja loh gaes. This software also equipped with advanced search tool, advanced multiple verse lookup. Open the emulator software from the start menu or desktop shortcut in your PC. A complete, encyclopedic resource for Windows 10. Mudah mencari ayat dan mengutipnya dalam word karena terintegrasi di menu 'add in'. Beberapa keunggulan aplikasi ini sebagai berikut: 1. A digital copy of the Quran, the holy book of Islam. Aplikasi Quran Kemenag in Ms.Word adalah program destop untuk PC dan laptop dalam membantu pengutipan ayat Alquran dengan mudah dan benar. The application contains hierarchal view of all verses in Quran, either sorted by Surah (chapters), Juzu' (parts) or Editable Maudhu' (Subject). Top 6 Al Quran for Windows 10 Alternatives Al Quran for Windows 8 The software aims to help professional Muslim user such as lawyers, Muslim/Syariah judges, journalist, columnist, editors, book authors, lecturers, religious researchers and students to work with Quran easier than ever. You could easily refer for a verse, or make a search over its translation and tafsir. This program will add new menu 'Al-Quran' on your Microsoft Word application. The Holy Quran 15 Lines Qudratullah Download PDF As its name implies, it is a program for the Holy Al Quran for Windows 10 is an app that will allow you to play audio files of some of the key portions of Islamic holy text from the convenience of your PC An illustration of a horizontal line over an up pointing arrow Destiny Church Rocklin. Al-Quran Explorer is a digital reference for Al-Quran and it contains Al-Quran text, translations and tafsir. Most people looking for Quran for windows 7 64bit downloaded: Quran Auto Reciter.